Party peels are peels done one or 2 days before an event with almost no downtime and effects of scaling of skin. Party peels brighten the skin, remove dryness and makes it look vibrant and glowy. Moisterizer and sunscreen are a must after the peel is performed and a microdermabrasion can also be done before the party peel to cleanse the skin and get rid of dirt.
The peels consist of
Everything you need to feel healthy and beautiful
Party peel is a type of chemical peel which can be done, one to a few days before the “party”, wedding or the social event one is gearing up for.
Depending on your skin, the strength of the chemical peel, and your tolerance of the procedure - you should wait someplace between 2-4 weeks between treatments.
You will notice a visible improvement in your skin after one peel, but best results are obtained with multiple treatments over time. Just as it takes time for skin damage to accumulate, it also takes time to reverse it.
Picking at the skin, skipping sunscreen, letting the skin dry out, not applying moisturizer, applying too much moisturizer, being afraid of cold compresses, exfoliating, expecting immediate results.
A light or party peel produces results that usually last between one and two months.
The number of peels required to see results depends on the condition being treated. If you are treating concerns such as sun damage or acne, multiple peels will be required. Some improvement will be seen after each peel, but it typically takes a series of 6 peels to see the full effect.
Unfortunately, it is not advisable to wear makeup immediately after a face peel. Depending on the strength of the peel you get, it can take two to three days for your skin to start peeling. After that, your skin can take two to five days to finish peeling.
It is important to moisturize after a chemical peel. The fresh skin is sensitive, and the skin may still be peeling following the treatment. Moisturizers will not prevent the peeling process, as it is part of the peeling process.
This can help minimize wrinkles, dullness, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. It may also help skin disorders like acne and rosacea. However, a chemical peel can't treat deep wrinkles and scarring. It also won't tighten loose skin or reverse sun damage.